Colonel ANIL A ATHALE (Retd)

All stories by Colonel ANIL A ATHALE (Retd)

Can Modi Halt The Brutal Ukraine War?

Can Modi Halt The Brutal Ukraine War?

Rediff.com2 Nov 2022

India has maintained communication with both Russia and Ukraine. It is time Narendra Modi steps up on the world stage and plays the role of peacemaker, suggests military historian Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Time To Take Putin's Nuclear Threats Seriously!

Time To Take Putin's Nuclear Threats Seriously!

Rediff.com29 Sep 2022

The most likely scenario is that in order to stop Ukraine from retaking any Russian occupied territory, Russia may well use a small (1 to 2 kilo tonne) tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine, warns military historian Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Is Biden Favouring Pakistan?

Is Biden Favouring Pakistan?

Rediff.com16 Sep 2022

The US actions can be seen as a riposte to India's neutral position on the Ukraine crisis, its continuing import of Russian arms and oil thus undermining Western sanctions, argues Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

India@75: Beacon Of Light In Gloomy World

India@75: Beacon Of Light In Gloomy World

Rediff.com15 Aug 2022

World over, pluralism is in retreat. Luckily for us, Indian pluralism and its consequent tolerance of diversity is rooted in our basic values. As long as we remain faithful to these values and keep our institutions in good health, the Indian miracle of last 75 years is likely to last centuries, asserts Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Military Needs Soldiers, Not Contract Labour

Military Needs Soldiers, Not Contract Labour

Rediff.com13 Jun 2022

While we seem to want soldiers on short-term engagement, warfare itself is getting more technical and needs skilled manpower. The world has seen the dismal performance of armies that rely on short tour of duty soldiers or have outsourced war to 'contractors' in Afghanistan and now in Ukraine, points out Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

New Ways To Fight Terrorism in Kashmir

New Ways To Fight Terrorism in Kashmir

Rediff.com7 Jun 2022

In the Kashmir Valley, we need to begin to make a distinction between an insurgent who fights the security forces and a terrorist who murders unarmed civilians, suggests Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

There Is More To India Than Delhi Or Gujarat!

There Is More To India Than Delhi Or Gujarat!

Rediff.com2 Jun 2022

The Modi government has to embrace the history of Tamil conquests in South East Asia and stop obsessing about Babar/Humayun, argues Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

A History Lesson For Modiji

A History Lesson For Modiji

Rediff.com8 Apr 2022

The concept of 'fairness by rulers' is deeply ingrained in Indians and any weakening of this dents the legitimacy of the ruler, warns military historian Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

View: Understanding The Kashmir Files Phenomena

View: Understanding The Kashmir Files Phenomena

Rediff.com22 Mar 2022

The Kashmir Files has done a commendable job in highlighting the plight of Kashmiri Pandits, but has dealt only with the local factors. The cover-up has multiple reasons and it is time that a debate is begun to unmask the culprits who hid the truth, asserts Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

If Putin is wise...

If Putin is wise...

Rediff.com5 Mar 2022

'He will consolidate the Russian hold over the Eastern Russian majority provinces in Ukraine and quickly withdraw from the rest of Ukraine.' 'At all costs, the Russians should avoid attacking and capturing urban areas, else they risk getting into a quagmire,' cautions Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

How Shivaji Taught Aurangzeb Tolerance

How Shivaji Taught Aurangzeb Tolerance

Rediff.com19 Feb 2022

'Aurangzeb, who had destroyed the Hindu temples of Mathura and Kashi and many others in the north, was a very different ruler when he came to Maharashtra.' 'He did not touch a single temple in Maharashtra.' 'It was possibly the greatest triumph of Shivaji's statesmanship,' notes Colonel Anil A Athale (retd), the well known military historian.

Ukraine Crisis: US Playing A 'Game Of Chicken' With Russia

Ukraine Crisis: US Playing A 'Game Of Chicken' With Russia

Rediff.com3 Feb 2022

If a workable compromise is found and Russia'S Western borders are left undisturbed with a suitable buffer, it will indicate that the US is indeed serious about its focus on China, observes Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Time for India to EMBRACE Russia

Time for India to EMBRACE Russia

Rediff.com6 Dec 2021

We can make a beginning by openly acknowledging the Russian help in 1971 victory when President Putin visits India on 6 December 2021. Showing gratitude to a friend is part of our DNA, notes Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

How India Won The 1971 War

How India Won The 1971 War

Rediff.com3 Dec 2021

December 3, 2021 marks 50 years since the beginning of the 1971 War which ended in a decisive military victory for India and the liberation of Bangladesh. Most analysts of the 1971 War agree that the IV Corps dash across the mighty Meghna river led by the brilliant General Sagat Singh was the turning point in the war, recalls military historian Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

US could have defeated the Taliban...

US could have defeated the Taliban...

Rediff.com27 Aug 2021

The US military efforts in Afghanistan were akin to filling a bucket that had gaping holes, asserts Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

How the Soviet Union Helped India Win the 1971 War

How the Soviet Union Helped India Win the 1971 War

Rediff.com9 Aug 2021

It is a timely reminder that when faced with twin threats, India has succeeded by wisely choosing allies, points out Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

The Roots of the Taliban

The Roots of the Taliban

Rediff.com7 Aug 2021

Internal strife and tribalism is endemic to Afghanistan, notes Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Why Delhi is concerned about the Taliban

Why Delhi is concerned about the Taliban

Rediff.com7 Aug 2021

India is apprehensive about the Taliban's return as it would mean loss of access to Baluch rebels and help to the restive tribals of Waziristan. This would be a setback to the Indian strategy of returning the compliments of death by a thousand cuts to Pakistan, notes Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Is Xi likely to be overthrown?

Is Xi likely to be overthrown?

Rediff.com10 Jun 2021

China's presence in the international dog house is just the kind of opportunity that his opponents must be waiting for, predicts Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

China's 'Sputnik Moment'

China's 'Sputnik Moment'

Rediff.com22 May 2021

'Seen in the context of world turmoil in face of the pandemic and the Chinese 'miracle' of being the only country in the world to control it, this is not merely a 'Sputnik' moment, but a 'Sputnik Plus' moment,' argues Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

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